AWS Consulting


Finding the
right AWS partner

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

This is your first foray into public clouds.

AWS offers hundreds of options. A qualified Managed Service Provider can help ensure you get the features you need without paying for those you don’t.

You are in a highly regulated industry.

No cloud is inherently compliant. A Managed Service Provider that understands BOTH the public cloud and your industry can help you avoid costly mistakes.

Your IT team is already stretched thin, and IT infrastructure management isn’t your forte.

Outsourcing some or all public cloud deployment and day-to-day administrative tasks to a qualified Managed Service Provider lets you better utilize your in-house resources and talent.

You’re having a hard time finding and retaining qualified talent.

A Managed Service Provider who knows the public cloud can help you fill a need while you search for the right candidates.

You don’t have the resources to monitor your systems 24x7 for potential breaches and security violations.

When you’re stretched thin, your team may not be as attentive as they need to be. A Managed Service Provider can help you plug the holes in your security defenses.

You want to spread workloads across multiple clouds while preserving connections between workloads.

This can be challenging even for a seasoned IT professional. Working with a qualified Managed Service Provider can help you avoid spinning your wheels.

You’re thinking of migrating legacy workloads to the cloud.

A qualified Managed Service Provider can help you find the safest, securest, most cost-effective cloud solution for these workloads and applications.

When to update older technology

Our current system is slow and we need to upgrade it. Can you help?

  • My technology is old!
  • My system does not perform
  • We want to add a bunch of new stuff

Answer: Yes! System upgrades are a fact of live in the software industry, the effort should not be taken lightly. Depending on the size of the system and how much effort has been put into it, you have different tactics should use.

  • Small - Medium sized projects can be fully rewritten in a new technology, especially if there is a lot of new requirements, and performance issues. Keep in mind special code that is core to the system and you should be fine.
  • Large Enterprise Systems: This should be an eventual migration, where you break pieces out and do it in small chunks. You can create a series of microservices and slowly eat away at the system.


  • you are switching to another language or platform.
  • you are switching frameworks/external components.
  • the existing codebase is not maintainable anymore.


  • rewrites always take longer than expected.
  • rewrites have no direct effects/benefits for the customer.
  • capacity devoted to rewriting isn't used to support the customer.
  • you will lose functionality with a rewrite unless you have 100% documentation.

What is AWS consultant?

The job role of a AWS Cloud Consultant is to Design, develop, implement, test the automating Infrastructure and Application deployments on AWS. ... Penetrating deeper in Cloud /Emerging technology area by helping customer business to improve their business performance.

Big data

What is AWS consulting partner?

The AWS Partner Network (APN) is the global partner program for technology and consulting businesses who leverage Amazon Web Services to build solutions and services for customers. The APN helps companies build, market, and sell their AWS offerings by providing valuable business, technical, and marketing support.

We are a AWS Partner.

Dev service

How does AWS pricing work?

AWS Pricing in a Nutshell. AWS reduces your infrastructure costs by allowing you to pay only for what you use at the end of each month. ... Detailed pricing information for each service can be found on the AWS pricing page. AWS offers two main pricing models, Compute Resources and Data Storage and Transfer.

AWS Pricing is different then our pricing.

Cloud services

Are AWS services priced independently?

AWS services are priced independently and transparently, so you can choose and pay for exactly what you need and no more. ... One of the key advantages of cloud-based resources is that you don't pay for them when they're not running.


Why should we use AWS?

AWS provides security and also helps to protect the privacy as it is stored in AWS data centers. AWS infrastructure is designed to keep your data safe no matter what size of your data is. It just scales with your AWS cloud usage. AWS manages the highest standard of security and this is the reason users rely on AWS. 


Sw development

Latest Technologies

  • .net Consulting and Development Company
  • Aurelia Development Services
  • Angular JS Application Development Consultant
  • ASP .net Development and Consulting Company
  • ASP .net MVC Consulting Company
  • C# Developer and Software Design Company
  • AWS Consulting: Amazon Web Services Developers
  • AWS Migration Consulting Firm
  • Microsoft Azure Migration Consulting
  • Microsoft Azure Consulting and Development

A range of industry experience

We’ve provided AWS Consulting services for the following industries:





Start ups





Recent case studies

A quick overview of some of our AWS Consulting solutions for recent clients: