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Combination of Quality

Combination of Quality


The first phase is the meeting of the minds. We get to know you and your needs so we understand the problem at hand.


Every project starts with an upfront agreement on cost and timing. We will offer a custom software solution that is worth the investment.


The core of our expertise resides here. We use the right tools and strategies to make your project a success.


Our architects and developers will bring your vision to reality. Development completed by real people you can talk with any time.


Take your solution to the world. Enjoy the benefits of custom-designed software for your business and customers.

The Baytech Difference

We own your outcome:

Our Founders personally oversee every project to ensure quality and excellence. We ensure you get the results you need through a tailored software solution built in-house.

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Your staff made savvier:

Delivering great software is just the beginning. Your staff needs the know-how to use it. Our support and training will help your team get the most from your new custom applications.

Process guides the project:

Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall and Kanban boards are available to manage your project. We won’t waste time or money. We don’t get mired in meetings. We keep things simple.

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We live to code:

Our team speaks geek. When we’re not making innovative software for our customers, we’re building robots in the basement. Ask us. Maybe we’ll show you sometime.


The first phase is the meeting of the minds. We get to know you and your needs so we understand the problem at hand.

Baytech estimate


Every project starts with an upfront agreement on cost and timing. We will offer a custom software solution that is worth the investment.

Baytech architect


The core of our expertise resides here. We use the right tools and strategies to make your project a success.

Baytech build


Our architects and developers will bring your vision to reality. Development completed by real people you can talk with any time.

Baytech launch


Take your solution to the world. Enjoy the benefits of custom-designed software for your business and customers.

The Baytech Difference

We own your outcome:

Our Founders personally oversee every project to ensure quality and excellence. We ensure you get the results you need through a tailored software solution built in-house.

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Your staff made savvier:

Delivering great software is just the beginning. Your staff needs the know-how to use it. Our support and training will help your team get the most from your new custom applications.

Process guides the project:

Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall and Kanban boards are available to manage your project. We won’t waste time or money. We don’t get mired in meetings. We keep things simple.

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We live to code:

Our team speaks geek. When we’re not making innovative software for our customers, we’re building robots in the basement. Ask us. Maybe we’ll show you sometime.

Case Studies

A quick overview of some of our custom software solutions for recent clients:

Frequently Served Industries

Since 1997, we’ve delivered a startling amount of software solutions to a diverse range of industries. We’re proud to make a strong difference for the customers we serve. Here are some industries we commonly build innovative solutions for.





Start ups


Satisfied clients

Our satisfied customers are our greatest advocates! Don't just take our word for it, read their reviews and discover why they love us.

Personal touch

A legacy of success

Personal touch

A legacy of success

A legacy of success

Personal touch

A legacy of success

Personal touch

Info Card

Real estate


Start ups





Info Card


Real estate


Start ups



Info Card

Real estate


Start ups






Updating older technology




The Baytech difference

Controlling project costs

A truly seasoned full stack developer will conduct a thorough inventory of all the goals and variables to keep costs in check. They’ll work diligently to outline them all at the onset of the project for maximum transparency. The full costs of the project will include not just the development of the software but also implementing it within your company. Other variables include:


    The first phase is the meeting of the minds. Here’s where we get to know your vision, find out how it aligns to our skills and experience, and truly do our homework as we go about our custom application development process. Our founders oversee every step for quality control.


    If your custom application development goals involve complex functionality and advanced coding,, the more personnel and development time will of course be required.


    Every business has different scalability requirements that need to be identified and scoped for. For example, are you building custom enterprise software to serve the needs of 10 users or 10 million? Does your data need to be available and responsive across the globe?


    Costs vary immensely depending on the time developers need to write code for each screen. If a social app needs 4-5 screens, but a business platform requires 20-30 with complex user interactions, those two projects would generally have very different budgets and timelines.


    Reaching MVP (minimum viable product) is often just the first phase. Updates in business processes, regulations and requests for new features usually require future development.


    Building a custom software solution is of course only part of the job. Housing it is another. The modern solution is to host it in the cloud. While these costs vary, it’s usually to your financial advantage, but we can provide cost analysis comparisons for different solutions.

A smarter collaboration process


Overseeing the entire flow is perhaps their largest responsibility. They’ll likely be employing specialists to complete many or all of the stages throughout the software development project, but the key is in how well they work with clients, colleagues, designers and coders to complete a project on time and at budget. Setting timelines, making infrastructure decisions, coordinating internal buy-off on various phases and making sure everything is compliant are essential skills.


This is a core competency, as this is what will affect how the end user experiences the application. As the actual UX and UI designs are configured, they’ll have to represent the end user’s needs as well as facilitate the rest of the team’s needs and concerns. Expect them to be on top of best practices in these areas to avoid anything going off the rails in early phases.


This phase is often referred to as the “client side” development, and again, will often involve typical programming languages browsers such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks like React.


This pertains to all the software that runs on servers, such as applications and API's that will power your app or website. Various backend languages include Ruby, Python and Java as well as others. However another key aspect of the full stack developer is to work with and create databases, which will entail working knowledge of the programming language SQL, used to run servers.


This is the crucial phase where code is taken from a cloud-based repository like GitHub and put into production. Sometimes this means installing operating systems or managing the complex set of dependencies as your code base grows. Depending on your company’s paradigm, there are various different engineering specialists who might be deployed to fine-tune and tweak the code to be ready for showtime. Down the road, you might want to work with your full stack developer to apply various App Lifestyle Management tools in order to update and sculpt the application over time.

Baytech launch


The first phase is the meeting of the minds. Here’s where we get to know your vision, find out how it aligns to our skills and experience, and truly do our homework as we go about our custom application development process. Our founders oversee every step for quality control.

Discover mark


Think about all the stakeholders for your custom software project in the process. Who is responsible for keeping an accurate list of requirements, and who is accountable to give feedback at each stage? Who’s going to bring up any objections or issues?? Who’s responsible for giving feedback throughout the custom software development process?

Baytech architect


Every custom software and app development project has different variables that affect the timeline. A quick update to an app is one thing. A new inventory management system for an enterprise is another. Establishing a realistic timeline is essential for managing expectations, as even the best custom software company can’t work miracles overnight.

Baytech build


Breaking the project out into phases is a great way to ease stress on the project as a whole. If all the functionality doesn’t need to be implemented at once, the custom software development company can deliver X now, Y later and so on, enabling you to course-correct as you go.

Technologies We Use

Angular js
Asp net
Microsoft net

The Process

See our service process in action. Do you think you could benefit from our time-tested process?

  • Inspiration

    The Initial Inspiration:

    We meet with a client in person and determine the vision of the project and what can be accomplished through Baytech’s consultative background. We like to do our homework and know your business process inside and out.

  • Game plan

    The Innovation Game-Plan:

    Together we develop an innovative solution based on Baytech’s proven methods. We provide a detailed roadmap of how we’ll get there with specific deliverables for accountability. We offer a transparent work process that is made easier with our 100% in-house team of professionals.

  • Potatoes

    The Meat and Potatoes:

    Our team of 100% in-house professionals build the application efficiently with frequent deliverables and demos. Progress and velocity is made transparent with our online project management portal and open communication.

  • Development

    The Expertise Deployment:

    Expert software architects make this innovative solution a reality. We involve our clients throughout the development process. We give them control while also giving them a realistic approach. It’s important to clearly communicate across the bridge of business and technology-driven solutions.

  • Relationship

    The Winning Relationship:

    It’s crucial to develop an on-going relationship. This is useful when it comes to adjusting solutions to accommodate changes and growth. Long-term working relationships are also perfect for developing a synergy that enables us to deploy applications and consulting solutions at a faster and more efficient rate.




The first phase is the meeting of the minds. Here’s where we get to know your vision, find out how it aligns to our skills and experience, and truly do our homework as we go about our custom application development process. Our founders oversee every step for quality control.



We kick off each project with an upfront agreement on cost and timing. We’ll offer a plan for a custom software solution that will be truly worth the investment, providing specific details about what you can hold us accountable for at each phase.



Our principal skillset as a custom software development company resides here. Our team gets to work, using only in-house developers, applying the right tools and strategies to make your project a success. And our online project management portal provides transparency throughout the process.



Here’s where our architects and developers bring your vision to reality. We loop in your team, give them the reigns, get real-time feedback and adjust, making sure you get the most from your new custom applications.



We’ll be right beside you as you bring your solution into the world. This is where the advantages of of custom-designed software truly become clear to both you and your customers. And as your company grows, we can help you make updates to keep things running at peak efficiency.


Sw development

Modern SW Development

Front end

Front End

Dot net

Microsoft & .Net



Mobile app

Mobile Apps


Devops & Development

Our Complete Suite of Solutions & Services


Ux design

We design user friendly and intuitive interfaces expected by today’s consumer using the latest UX and UI best practices.


Softwere development

We transform your vision into a modern application using the best technologies for the solution and the latest standards and best practices.


Softwere testing

We deliver high quality software using automated tests and thorough QA testing.



Accelerate software delivery using automated builds, continuous integration, and release automation.

Company History